Tips for a Flawless Presentation

This week in my public relations class I gave a speech about the Sarah Jessica Parker collection infographic I created. The assignment was to explain my statistics and why they are important in the creation of an infographic Nordstrom can use to raise sales. I felt that my presentation went well and I thought I would share my process and some things I was surprised about in the PowerPoint making and speech giving process.

The creation of the PowerPoint and talking points was the most difficult part for me. I had a lot of information and found it was challenging to organize and present it effectively. Once I found an order I felt made sense I tackled the design aspect of my presentation.

I chose to utilize simple slides and consistent color choices and font styles to keep everything uniform. I used many images in my presentation to show the product and tie back to “Sex and the City.” Pinterest was a huge help for me because it provided better quality images than I found on Google. I also incorporated two videos to break up my constant speaking and give the audience and myself a break.

I found an infographic about how to make presentations stimulating and I followed many of the points that it made. The three aspects that I incorporated into my presentation were: ask, sequence, and display. I asked questions during my presentation to involve the audience, organized new material in an order that flowed well, and displayed my information with a variety of images and videos.


The part of presenting that surprised me the most was how quickly it was over. My biggest concern going into my presentation was that I did not have enough information to get me to the minimum time limit. I was shocked when she had to cut me off on my second to last slide because I had spoken for too long. Once you start talking about a topic you are passionate about time flies and the presentation is over before you know it.

By creating a visually appealing and well thought out presentation you will ensure the success of your speech and keep your audience engaged and interested.

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