Seeing is Believing: The Power of Infographics

This week I completed an infographic assignment for my strategic public relations class. I decided to create an infographic based on my blog post last week about the SJP collection at Nordstrom. The infographic will be used as an additional PR tactic to gain awareness of the line and grow sales for Nordstrom. I decided to incorporate facts about the fashion industry and women’s shoe ownership and combine them with facts and anecdotes from “Sex and the City” to tie into the collection.

Infographics are one of the most powerful forms of technological messaging because we respond more to seeing than to reading. The majority of people would rather view an image than read an article, so it provides an outlet to get more information across in an effective manner. In an article by Backbone Media, Inc. they explain that infographics are powerful because they can simplify messages and make complex ideas easier to understand. The Backbone Media Blogging Team also addresses the fact that infographics convey information to a much broader audience than simply the company’s standard customer base.

Here are some of my tips for creating a successful infographic:

  • Make an idea web and focus on honing your idea and exactly who you want to your audience to be.
  • Separate ideas and facts with different background colors to make it clear to the audience that you are switching ideas.
  • Use symbols that are easily recognizable so that people get a basic idea of the theme of your infographic before they take a closer look.
  • Include facts that appeal to a variety of different audiences in order to create a new, broad audience for your idea or cause.
  • Choose one color and use varying shades of it to separate sections and create a more cohesive image.



The Value of Infographics for Social Media Marketing



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